Archen's Guestbook

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Entry #328
1337Pwny - the mysterious
Tuesday December 21st 2021
Fave Season: Summer
Fave Anime: Various
Fave Manga: Various
Hey Archen! Just checking in and wishing you a happy holidays!
Archen Said:
Happy holidays to you too.
Entry #327
Hebigami - the notorious female undead valkyrie
Thursday November 25th 2021
Fave Season: Fall
Fave Anime:
Fave Manga:
I randomly thought to come here and see it's almost a year since my last visit.

Think I remember to do it because it's close to my own birthday and my old brain gets nostalgic for simpler times.

Happy (slightly belated) 25th birthday. How does it feel? When's the party? When's the move to YouTube? I hear all (cool? lukewarm?) the kids doing are it.
Archen Said:
Once my site hit the 20 year mark it seemed like a big deal. Now it's like... am I going to do this every 5 years?

Funny you mention youtube because I noticed that trend too. Blogging was trendy for a while but that seems like a lot of work for something people mostly read once and is essentially throw away content. Youtube seems like that, but even more work. I'm into the low effort lifestyle these days so I'll pass on that :p
Entry #326
Coromax - the humble male human tourist
Saturday November 6th 2021
Fave Season: Fall
Fave Anime:
Fave Manga:
Oh, and looks like I found a bug with a certain kind of apostrophe

Might want to solve that later. :P
Archen Said:
Yes, dysfunctional anti Chinese web bot filter needs help -_-;

Thanks for visiting though. And may all your apostrophes be well formatted.
Entry #325
Coromax - the humble male human tourist
Saturday November 6th 2021
Fave Season: Fall
Fave Anime:
Fave Manga:
Thank you Archem for keeping this wonderful site going!

It's basically perfect imo because it's old fashioned and informative. Your reviews are very useful for finding stuff worth watching.

Keep up the good work!

- Coromax
Entry #324
Anti - the mighty female human bandit
Sunday October 10th 2021
Fave Season: Summer
Fave Anime: SSSS Gridman
Fave Manga: Aposimz
I love this page. Def going back more. Greetings from The Netherlands!
Entry #323
Erin - the mysterious
Saturday August 14th 2021
Fave Season: none
Fave Anime:
Fave Manga:
I think this is my second visit for this year! But what is time anymore? Hope you are well!
Archen Said:
Things are okay with me. Which is about all you can ask for when you're old. =P

Hope things are good with you too.
Entry #322
Haxrelm - the mysterious sexy alien
Thursday May 20th 2021
Fave Season: none
Fave Anime:
Fave Manga:
Interesting site, I've been looking all over the internet for text reviews like these.

I like the design, quite nostalgic.
Entry #321
Pat - the chaotic male human bishoujo
Saturday April 24th 2021
Fave Season: Winter
Fave Anime: Monster
Fave Manga: Watamote
Came across this website in the beggining of this year and have really been enjoying it, so I think it's time for a little signature.
It's really great to find one of these personalised webpages (that are active) nowadays, and the sheer creativity and effort of making each little subpage different boggles my mind. It's a rare gem now when everyone and everything has moved onto some sort of social media feed.
Apropos feed, I really appreciate the use of RSS/Atom, not many pages use it and it's much more easy to keep in touch with things that don't update daily. I've enjoyed your little anime reviews.
Godspeed, Archen.
Entry #320
Andrew Louis - the mysterious humble human samurai
Friday April 23rd 2021
Fave Season: Fall
Fave Anime: Bleach
Fave Manga: Berserk
I actually forgot to ask. Do you work with what? The design with the website is incredible and so nostalgic.
Archen Said:
I just use a text editor (currently Vim, previously Notepad+) and an image editor (currently Krita, previously Paint Shop Pro 5, and sometimes Photoshop)
Entry #319
Andrew Louis - the humble male human samurai
Friday April 23rd 2021
Fave Season: Fall
Fave Anime: Bleach
Fave Manga: Berserk
Hello Archen, first I apologize for my poor English, I hope you understand. I am Brazilian and I found your site through, a search engine that filters old sites. I am happy for your commitment to the site, whenever I can I will visit your site. Have a nice day.
Entry #318
Prem - the magnetic male undead tourist
Monday April 5th 2021
Fave Season: Spring
Fave Anime: Serial Experiments Lain
Fave Manga: Yotsuba to
Man, you're awesome for keeping this page going. It's a couple years older than me, lol. And there is so much content!

Going back to browsing the pages. That stuff is inspiring. Maybe I'll fill out my page, with some more content.
Archen Said:
Never too late to start on your own website.

Wait, .moe is a top level domain? That's hilarious.
Entry #317
Scott - the mysterious
Tuesday March 16th 2021
Fave Season: none
Fave Anime:
Fave Manga:
I appear to have fallen into a time machine.
Archen Said:
Buy bitcoin and give me half in the year 2021!
Entry #316
Vanessa - the humble female human wizard
Thursday March 11th 2021
Fave Season: Spring
Fave Anime: Haibane Renmei
Fave Manga:
What a wonderful little website!
Entry #315
Maria - the mysterious
Thursday March 11th 2021
Fave Season: Fall
Fave Anime: Gundam
Fave Manga: Akagi
I'm very glad that sites like this still exist. Keep on keeping on
Entry #314
gigsta - the chaotic male alien samurai
Sunday March 7th 2021
Fave Season: Summer
Fave Anime: OREGAiRU
Fave Manga: Beelzebub
.Welp, my last entry was from 2018. How are things going? With the corona and all.

My anime list seems to be getting stagnant. Just currently watching one piece. :(

How are you coping with the lockdown? Wish you good luck! See you next year! :)
Archen Said:
Things are going surprisingly well for me actually. I've been lagging watching anime myself lately. I think I'm getting a bit tired of so many shows never concluding, but I'll probably get back into it more this summer. Hope things go well for you too.
Entry #313
Erin - the mysterious
Monday January 4th 2021
Fave Season: none
Fave Anime:
Fave Manga:
Well. Last year happened.
Archen Said:
Yes, was very... happening
Entry #312
Archen - the humble male undead tourist
Monday January 4th 2021
Fave Season: Spring
Fave Anime: Gunbuster
Fave Manga: Love Hina
Database upgrade test.
Entry #311
X - the lawful male high elf valkyrie
Saturday January 2nd 2021
Fave Season: Winter
Fave Anime: Mushishi
Fave Manga:
Hey Archen, hope all is well. Happy New Year! I see you've still been making reviews, they're very nice to read. I saw a few others recommending Tsukihime, I'd recommend that as well. A remake of it was just recently announced. Here's hoping this year's better than the last.
Entry #310
daelectromasturd - the lawful male human samurai
Sunday December 27th 2020
Fave Season: Fall
Fave Anime:
Fave Manga: Slam Dunk
Dropping by to let you know I really love the amount of dedication and effort invested into your website, especially how every page has its own unique design, it's wonderful and I've never seen something similar to it on the web before.

I also recommend playing Tsukihime visual novel like what the user Arcueid said. It's not very long, definitely much shorter than fate/stay night VN, each route can be completed in around a day or so (5 routes in total), but it would totally be worth your time. I'm actually jealous you own physical copy of it, lol. Well anyhows best of luck dude, and MERRY BELATED CHRISTMAS x---D
Entry #309
Junpog - the humble male human wizard
Sunday December 20th 2020
Fave Season: Winter
Fave Anime: NHK ni Youkoso
Fave Manga: Ore no Kouhai ga Konna ni Kawaii Wake ga Nai
This is the greatest site I've seen for a long while now, thank you for this
Entry #307
1337Pwny - the mysterious
Friday November 27th 2020
Fave Season: none
Fave Anime: Various
Fave Manga: Various
Hey Archen! Just stopping by to see what's new? Been a crazy year! 2020: when everyone was stuck inside or fighting for toilet paper.
Archen Said:
There certainly hasn't been a better year to sit at home and watch anime to forget about things, that's for sure. That said, my year has been kinda great actually. Lemonade out of lemons I guess :)