Animation: Fair
Depth: Good
Design: Fair
Characters: Fair
Story: Fair

Type: TV   (12 episodes)

Vintage: 2004


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Verdict: Reviews @ Archen's Anime Page

Area 88 - TV

Summary: >

Shin Kazama had bright future ahead of him. After years of training, he would soon be a commercial jet pilot. His girlfriend Ryoko is the daughter Yamato Airline's president. It only took a night at a bar to have that bright outlook stolen. Shin's best friend tricks him into signing up as a mercenary for the Arslan air force for a full tour of duty. Arslan is a poor nation in the middle east. Training pilots is expensive, so they resort to hiring mercenary pilots in their on going civil war. Shin's new home is a military base only known as Area 88, or hell as he refers to it.

With no escape, Shin spends his days taking lives with the small hope that he'll survive to return to his previous life, and as Area 88's top ace he might be able to do that. More importantly, he needs to settle things with the friend who betrayed him: Kanzaki. Kanzaki figured Shin would soon die in a place like that, but with skill and determination it seems Shin may even climb out of hell to return to the love he left behind.

Thoughts: >

To this day I believe the Area 88 - OVA is one of the greatest anime ever made. Considering decades of anime made since 1981, that's an impressive record and a lot to live up to, so I didn't expect much of the TV series. However even after lowing my expectations I found the TV series somewhat disappointing but it's not all bad.

I'm not a fan of computer generated anime of the early 2000s era but it is well suited for rendering fighter jets. Of course it hasn't aged well but it hasn't aged as terribly as many other shows.

So where did the TV series falter? Presentation in how a story is told can make all the difference. In the OVA Shin's despair seeps into every part of the show. The longing to return to Ryoko and his thirst for vengeance are great features. In the TV series Shin is certainly quiet.. and mainly has "a look in his eye". It's a far cry from the introspective look into Shin's pain in the OVA.

Due to expanded length, the added air combat which is a big plus for anyone into fighter jets. More time could be spent on character development, but isn't for somewhat. A good example is the femaile pilot introduced who could be maybe a love interest or a rival but isn't much of anything. A great story driver of Area 88 are how pilots like Shin end up there and the life they lived. The TV series fails to capitalize much on this core feature.

I found Area 88 just "okay" until the last episode, which improved my opinion a little. Like the OVA the finish is open ended but the TV series is much more positive. It hits on the big three points I wanted to see more of: Shin's struggle with his life at Area 88, Ryoko's commitment to a man she doesn't even know is alive, and Shinjo's redemption.

The result is a show which is nothing exceptional. That pains me to say considering my high esteem for its predecessor. A good anime if you're into fighter jets but very average.

Screen Caps: >

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reviewed by archen in 2024